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Holiday Luncheon

We will be celebrating Christmas with our annual holiday luncheon after our Saturday morning game.

The event will be catered and will include a delicious dinner and lots of good cheer and camaraderie. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board and if you would like to attend; we need your name there for an accurate count for the caterer. The cost is $10 for members, $15 for guests and $5 for children under 18. You can give the money to anyone on the Board, the Treasurer or simply put it in an envelope with your name on it and designate for luncheon.

The deadline for sign up is this coming Saturday, December 7. If you are unable to come to the club before then, please let Jane or Eileen know and we will sign up for you.

November 23

Turkey Shoot Fun Day Bowling

December 21

Holiday Night Bowling